Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
EP. 20 My Sales Philosophy Converts Regular People Into 6-Figure Salesman Within 90 Days

EP. 20 My Sales Philosophy Converts Regular People Into 6-Figure Salesman Within 90 Days

If You Don't Like Sales, You'll Need this Episode. A conversation on my sales philosophy and achievement

How can creators like us, who are new to building online businesses, who have high-value skillsets, how do we scale our monthly recurring revenue (MRR) to get us the freedom we desire? That is the question, and this newsletter will give you the answers. Be sure to subscribe if these are the type of answers you seek.

My name is Boysie Gordon, and welcome to Boysie Talks Business.

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Welcome to episode 20!

In the last episode, I shared my secret to consistency! Doing the bare minimums is the secret. Every day, I have a set of things that I MUST complete and a set of things that I’d like to complete.

This is what keeps me going on my rough days…

Have a short list of critical tasks to get done each day!

Today, I want to talk about sales. Specifically how to approach sales if you don’t like sales/ selling. The philosophy I will share with you has turned regular people into 6-figure salesmen within 90 days.

The 90-Day Sales Guru

While running my first company (Luminance), I was the primary salesperson.

That is until I started to build out a sales team. From that point on, I was in charge of hiring, training, and managing the sales force. Oftentimes, I would hire people with the tangible soft skills we felt were necessary to succeed in sales. Most of them had never done sales before…

  • Do they learn things quickly?

  • Do they hold themselves accountable?

  • Do they have enough emotional intelligence?

These are just a few examples of the vetting we did for our team.

In the 3 years of business, I hired about 8 salespeople.

Almost all of them had some sort of issue with selling.

I heard everything from “it feels wrong” to “I don’t think I can do it.” Even with that, by the end of their first 90 days, most of them were generating at least six figures, and all but one had proven their capacity to close new business independently.

My training and the basis for their success relied on ONLY one concept!

The Secret to Conversion is Conversation

Of the 8 or so people that started in sales, only ONE actually wanted to do sales.

As for the others? There was much friction… until I shared my sales philosophy.

The key to winning business is to have a conversation.

That’s it—simple.

The sales phases are even simpler

  • Are they ready to have a conversation? (Rapport)

  • Can they benefit from your service or offering? (Qualify)

  • Are they willing to entertain your offer? (Close)

The conversation will shift over these 3 phases.

  • Rapport → Build trust and familiarity

  • Qualify → Identify a need/problem

  • Close → Offer your solution

I don’t train on manipulation and deceit, those are immorale shortcuts. While it would add results on the front end, it will ruin the fun and fulfilment!

My key to sales is simply having genuine conversations that lead to an offer.

It’s a win-win-win!

  • Less awkwardness

  • Better conversion

  • More fulfilment

If aren’t doing this already, engage in more conversations rather than pitches!

Doing this has allowed me to fill my calendar whenever I see a need. I have already had 3 meetings this month without actually scaling my effort!

If you need help implementing this strategy or would like to start landing clients ASAP, I have 2 slots for April up for grabs (2/4 slots available).

Just reply to this with “scale,” if you are interested.

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Boysie Talks Business
Boysie Talks Business Podcast
This is a daily newsletter dedicated to easy, efficient entrepreneurship. It offers advice from me, an ex-CEO who scaled a company from $67k to $400k MMR the hard way.